Hosts Sara Easterly (adoptee), Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard (birth parent), and Lori Holden (adoptive parent) discuss sensitive and timely issues through the lens of our lived experiences of adoption, and dialogue with others from within the adoption constellation.

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What would it be like to live in a community that protects you from pain, grief, loss, and other difficult feelings? How would it be to have so much sameness among community members that envy was eradicated? What if individuals were prevented from making bad choices? What would happen in

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Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao has been living adoption for more than 75 years as an adoptee—and professionally connected to adoption for 55 years in various roles, including as a psychologist and lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She is the author of The Family of Adoption, and we three authors

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“Adoption seems simple from the outside. But when you’re in the thick of it, you see things in ways you never expected.” Author Melissa Guida-Richards (What White Parents Should Know About Transracial Adoption) joins us to talk about discovering at age 19 that she had been adopted, and that her ethnicity didn’t match her parents. What was it like to experience such a shifting in fundamental truths about herself? And how could such a breach of trust end up bringing her and her parents closer together?

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Adoption tropes make for blockbuster films and viral news stories, but, as we do here on Adoption Unfiltered, let’s dive deeper. Why do such tropes exist and perpetuate? Why do we harbor cultural biases such as: adoptive parents being unquestioningly unselfish and amazing; birth parents being undeserving of raising their kids; adoptees being ungrateful if they speak up and share a fuller story about adoption.

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how to engage when talking about adoption

What does healthy engagement look like around adoption? Rules for how to engage when talking with others in the adoption constellation.

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It’s November, which means National Adoption Awareness Month. Adoption talk, adoption talk, everywhere you go! We’ve described it as overwhelming, emotional laboring, and metamorphing. What was the original intent of NAAM? In what ways has the original intent expanded and shifted? Who has benefitted from NAAM, and who hasn’t? Who

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Sara Easterly (adoptee), Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard (birth mom) and Lori Holden (adoptive mom) kick of Season 2 with a special Adoption Constellation Round Table, for which we invited adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, and others who have something to say about adoption to talk together around this question: What

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What will happen when the Supreme Court officially rules on Roe v Wade? Sara Easterly (adoptee), Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard (birth mom) and Lori Holden (adoptive mom) talk about the overlap between abortion and adoption. Not an easy conversation! Adoption and abortion are so often pitted against each other as

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Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D. joins Sara (adoptee), Kelsey(birth mom), and Lori (adoptive mom) to talk about attachment and healing that can come—or not—after trauma. He provides validation for adoptees that separation is, in fact, a wound that needs tending. He provides wisdom for birth parents on how to incorporate the melancholy

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As the companion discussion to Problematic Behaviors of Adoptive Parents, Adoptee Tony Hynesof C.A.S.E. (the Center for Adoption Support and Education) joins Adoptee Sara Easterly, Birth Mom Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard, and Adoptive Mom Lori Holden to cover some of the problematic behaviors of birth parents. Tony has quite a

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What happens when tragedy strikes and children need help? Where is that very fine line between helping via adoption and hurting via trafficking? How can we best avoid crossing it? Kathryn Joyce, who researched and wrote Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption, joins Sara (adoptee), Kelsey

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Sara (adoptee), Kelsey (birth mom) and Lori (adoptive mom) offer their perspectives on various words people in the triad are called, like “ungrateful adoptee,” “first mom,” and “adoptoraptor.” Plus, other phrases like “put up” vs “placed for” adoption, “Real Mom,” “Gotcha Day,” “Tummy Mummy,” “adoption triad” vs “adoption constellation,” and

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abortion 1 activism 8 Adoptee Remembrance Day 1 adoptee rights 1 Adoptees Connect 1 Adoptees On 1 Adoptees United 1 adoption constellation 11 Adoption Mosaic 1 Adoption Network Cleveland 1 adoption triad 2 adoption-fluent therapists 3 advocacy 12 Alice Stephens 1 alpha caring 1 ancestry 3 April Dinwoodie 1 Astrid Castro 1 attachment 7 baby boxes 1 baby fever 2 baby names 1 Baby Scoop Era 1 Betsie Norrie 0 Betsie Norris 1 birth fathers 2 birth mom 1 birth parent 2 child development 4 children's literature 1 citizenship 1 Claudia Corrigan D'Arcy 1 connection 1 corruption 3 divided loyalty 5 domestic infant adoption 7 domestic violence 1 Dr. Deborah MacNamara 1 eating 1 emotional health 2 ethics 1 Ethiopia 1 food 1 frustration traffic circle 1 Gordon Neufeld, PhD 2 Greg Luce 1 grief 3 Haley Radke 1 healing 9 informed consent 1 InterCountry Adoptee Voices 1 intercountry adoption 4 international adoption 1 Jessica Davis 1 Joyce Maguire Pavao 1 Kathryn Joyce 2 Kugatta 1 late discovery adoptee 1 legal guardianship 1 Lois Lowry 1 Maureen McCauley 1 Melissa Guida-RIchards 1 mental health 8 money 2 music 1 naming 1 narratives 1 national adoption awareness month 2 Neufeld Institute 1 OBC 1 open adoption 1 openness 8 original birth record 2 Pamela Karanova 1 parenting 1 podcasting 1 power dynamics 13 pronatalism 1 publishing 1 relinquishment 1 Roe v Wade 2 separation 5 suicide 1 terminology 3 The Blind Side 1 The Child Catchers 2 The Giver 1 therapists 7 therapy 1 Tony Hynes 1 transracial adoption 3 trauma 4 Uganda 1 ukraine 1 United Nations 1 unplanned pregnancy 2 war 1 What White Parents Should Know About Transracial Adoption 1

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